Pure Cow Milk

Uzhavarbumi's Pure Cow Milk


Uzhavarbumi delivers you hygienic, chemical free milk, freshly collected from local farmers.

  • Available in 500ml & 1000ml
  • Direct from Rural Farmers
  • No added Water & Preservatives
  • No Pasteurization & Homogenization
  • Tested negative for Urea & Microbes
  • Our Lab Report

Our Process

Cows are milked in the early morning and again in the evening. Farmers milk their cows by hand in a hygienic manner. Uzhavarbumi collects milk from the villages within a 10km radius from the plant. After the procured milk reaches Uzhavarbumi, samples are taken for quality analysis. The samples are tested for milkfat, SNF, Density, microbial quality. The test results are updated on our website regularly. After it has been tested, it is pumped to the bulk milk chiller. It is chilled to a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Then it is filled into clean and sterilized glass bottles and is sealed. After which it reaches you!

Milk Subscription Cost
500ml 1000ml
1 Day₹40₹75
1 Week₹280₹525
1 Month₹1,200₹2,250

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